At a community Church, a worshipper worships.
An advancing brain tumour has gradually been taking his faculties away over time- but not his ability to worship.
One day he has a vision while everyone else is singing.
Although he is now gone, his clear vision of eternity gave him immense hope and strength right until the end.
Vision of a Dying Man
The Lamb of God is raised upon a cross
suffering and bearing sin
A singer sings of His great love,
recklessly given
The words are weighed
upon the judge’s perfect scales
The measure of their true worth
is gold and silver
Precious words are gathered in protective shells
and live on, bearing good fruit
But when a puppet on strings, sings,
his words are unworthy,
lighter than air on the perfect scales
The sacrificial lamb on the cross judges all,
for He knows truthtellers from Pinocchios
darkness from light
He bears all their blame and shame
He alone gives healing in His eternal home
And when he comes as a lion,
we can walk safely beside Him,
before whom all is laid bare
Scales by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash
Lion wallpaper
Vision of a Dying Man, Annie Forester